Access to our Supine Certification and our Side-Lying / Prone Certification for becoming a complete Certified SRT Professional.

Two Total Body Technique Certifications in one Bundle

Soft-Stretch Release Techniques, aka SRT Therapy is an amazing approach to Neuromyofascial Release and Healing. We are excited that you have taken an interest in learning SRT and adding this amazing healing tool into your professional toolbox.

Our SRT Online Academy is the newest addition to help certify Professionals across the globe in SRT Therapy. There are currently SRT Professionals in the US, Canada and Iceland, and we are so excited for you to bring SRT into your state or country as one of the leading SRT Professionals associated with us!

SRT is about the Energetic - Emotional - Physical Healing of the mind and body that focuses primarily on 4 main systems. (Nervous, Fascial, Lymphatic and Belief Systems.) We promise that you won't look at other forms of aggressive therapy quite the same once you understand the philosophy of SRT!

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